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beautiful day… up fairly early and spent some time going through a closet and deciding what to keep and what could go… have already started another pass me over box… finding I have much more energy… not sure if that is the sunshine or my body recovering from the sugar overload it was dealing with…

warm enough to be able to use the outside tap to top up the hot tub… 

overcast for most of the day, but late this afternoon the sun came out and melted more snow…

this is the last little bit left in the front yard… hoping that next weekend we can do some raking

chair is on the deck and there is no snow left on it… wasn’t warm enough to sit out but maybe one night this week after work it will be:-)… the ice is gone from the pond and there are only a few places where there is still snow…

while I was filling the hot tub I also filled up one of the bird feeders… the squirrel had gotten into the  bag of sunflowers and eaten quite a bit… lots of shells…

starting to think about the work needed to clean up the garden and where I am going to find some gardening help this year… I would really like to hire someone to help me so that it looks good all season long…

yay Spring…